Breathe - Be - Discover
"You realise that all along there was something tremendous within you,
and you did not know it. "
Paramahansa Yogananda

MONDAY - FRIDAY 11:00 - 18:30 SATURDAY 11:00 - 17:00
SUNDAY 12:30 - 16:30
Women in Education Retreat
for Women Leaders* in Education (engl.)
October 18. - 20. 2019
Seminarhaus Taubenblau
Unteres Obertal, one hour away from Berlin
*you are the leader of your life
regardless whether you currently hold a leadership position or not

Stepping back from it all
to concentrate on yourself ...
...is a gift we don't often grant ourselves.
Yet if we do, the benefits are of lasting nature.
Most of us are driven, motivated, giving and working a lot . Do we have proper well-being tools in place to stay aligned and balanced in our colourful yet fast paced life?
This retreat will nurture your body, mind and soul. You will find time to connect with amazing women, breathe, contemplate and reflect about your journey. Check your mindsets and wellbeing strategies. Learn self care tools that suits our lifestyle and work.
Positive Education, Meditation, and Yoga elements are blended well together to let you discover as well as pause. Leave rested, uplifted and inspired. All levels are welcome, no prerequisite knowledge is required.
Investment: 193 Euro (includes accommodation, full board and booking fee)
This retreat is run as a pro bono event.
Location: Seminarhaus Taubenblau, Unteres Odertal
Transport: Car or train, carpooling optional
Places limited to 15! Book your spot now.